akashic records

Going Online - Musings of an Intuitive Healer in Singapore

Singapore has been in ‘circuit breaker’ mode, the government’s euphemism for ‘lockdown’, for close to 25 days, if my calculations are correct.

Since the implementation of social distancing rules due to the coronavirus, I’ve begun to offer all my sessions online, and have been receiving a number of questions about them.

Primarily, people wonder how such sessions can work.

As human beings with regular lives, we experience energetic connections we have with people in different ways, some more subtle than others. Some of us have had the experience of ‘ knowing’ that a loved one was feeling down despite not being in the same physical space as them. On a more personal note, my mother and I have what I call ‘food telepathy’ . She always seems to read my mind when it comes to things I’m craving, and magically, she’ll have whipped up/bought the dish I’d been wanting to eat without my even having to utter a word.

A distance/remote healing or reading works in a similar way except, instead of our connection being a direct one as you would have with a loved one, we are connected via the Akasha. Think of the Akasha as the invisible fibreoptic connections that allow you to stream an event via the internet happening half way across the world! During my Akashic Soul sessions and tarot readings, I am accessing the information and healing energies held within the Akasha and facilitating-asking politely really- for healing energies to flow into my client. The Akasha is omnipresent and exists beyond the dimensions of time and space.

The litmus test for this I believe is the energy healing segment of my Akashic Soul Healing sessions. Those of my clients who are sensitive to energy report feeling heat, tingling, or other sensations when I’m working on them remotely, just as my face-to-face clients do.

I have also been proposing e-mail tarot readings to support charity. My clients have been able to resonate with the information I pick up for them , though our connections have not even been live. (You might want to check out some of my feedback about such readings on my IG account)

Face-to-face sessions bring us the human aspect of a healing session that we desire and enjoy as humans. Touch, natural interactions unhindered by technological glitches, the natural sound of a human voice. These elements round out the healing experience. They make it feel more comfortable and pleasant for us. The effectiveness of a session however is not diminished by distance or technology. Distance sessions are indeed as effective as face-to-face ones.

So to those of you still hesitating, I’d urge you to step out of your comfort zone, and more importantly, to trust in the presence of the divine all around us.

Spiritual Glamour, Trends, the 'New Age' -Losing Sacred Connections and Understanding

Apologies in advance to my readers, for this post might seem more be more of a long ramble or a rant, than anything else.

Divine Feminine, Empath, Tantra, Ecstatic Dance, Psychedelics, Ayahuasca, Crystals, Yoga- So many terms that have recently come into the vocabulary of any one interested in spirituality. As a practitioner, I am glad that certain spiritual practices are becoming more popular and being made accessible to more people, but I am also concerned about the amount of noise this creates for those new to the spiritual path.

The dilution of sacred knowledge is something that concerns me. I am no guru myself, and definitely do not know all there is to know-in fact, the more I learn, the less I realise I know anything about anything-, but I am convinced that many practitioners out there are conveying a watered down version of traditions and practices to make them easier to market and more palatable to the masses. The needs of humanity having changed, spirituality and access to this knowledge has become more open and democratic. However, many practitioners, consciously or not, are giving seekers only part of the picture and not equipping them with tools to explore on their own, or even encouraging further exploration. All the different styles of yoga are an example… Yoga has become an industry and many people involved in it buy into it for aesthetic reasons. (these are the people I affectionately call the Lululemmon ‘yogis’ ).

In fact, the reason I decided to write this post was my discovery of a reality TV show about Ayahuasca!

The other thing that concerns me is that practitioners are feeding people with false information. There are so many websites and people on social media pushing out nonsensical messages. Recently I saw one defining an ‘empath as being someone who can read tones, body language and understand beyond words-nope, that’s just natural human communication. Linguists have known for decades that most human communication is about tone, facial expressions, gestures. Not about the actual words used. If human communication were entirely verbal, why would we have the need for emoji to clarify what we are saying through text? We have all at some point inadvertently offended someone who didn’t realise we were texting something sarcastically. A simple and relatively harmless example of how false information is being fed to people, but I’m sure there are more damaging examples out there.

What is the consequence of all of this?

  1. People don’t take spirituality seriously and see it as yet one more thing to consume. The fact that is accessible to many is to be celebrated, but what are we as practitioners offering to our clients? Are we offering something for their highest good and that of humanity’s or something to simply consume and be done with?

  2. False Light- More seekers are lead down the wrong path or have to cut through the noise to get to the truth. This is the seeker’s karma and there are much bigger mechanisms at play surely, but I take it as my responsibility as a practitioner to impart as much Light to my clients as possible.

  3. Loss of Sacredness-the bastardisation of traditions and knowledge for the sake of the masses means that the original essence of these practices is lost. Again, we encourage consumerism, instead of a true spiritual quest, and the connection with the Divine may be diluted or lost altogether..

I receive many clients at the beginning of their spiritual path and often the Akashic Masters communicate to them that they first need to work on themselves, before exploring sacred geometry, reiki, or any other practice. They find themselves lost and confused, intrigued by the plethora of workshops and modalities on offer. Working on themselves can come in many forms but more often than not it is a simple process of looking at old wounds and beginning to release, forgive, heal. Of course this can be done via the acquisition of new knowledge about energy healing, sacred geometry, etc, but the intention to use this knowledge as a manner to work on oneself must be set clear from the start. More often than not, people do not realise that the spiritual path begins from within, it’s not about becoming a repository of certificates or an encyclopedia of metaphysical knowledge! Many practitioners encourage their charges to ‘go with the flow’ and ‘follow their intuition’ which I feel can sometimes be very bad advice to give- how does one trust one’s inner compass when we haven’t made the effort to calibrate it to true north? All the spiritual clutter out there makes it more difficult for seekers and practitioners alike.

So a word of advice for those on the spiritual path: streamline, declutter, and begin from within.

Financial Abundance

As a tarot reader, psychic intuitive and energy healer, I  have been confronted by people and other practitioners who believe that people with gifts such as mine should not charge their clients. Most recently, while travelling in Germany, a tarot reader at a street market who I decided to support and request for a reading from, challenged my credibility and sincerity as a tarot reader with the question “ Have you ever done readings for free?” 

Indeed I have, but that is beside the point.  This is a common belief system many lightworkers fall into, and one that I struggled with at first myself. I often asked myself if my ultimate aim is service, should I not charge less to serve even those who can’t ? They might be the ones who need it most after all.

And yet, I live in Singapore, one of the most expensive cities in the world, where working as a psychic intuitive seems rather unintuitive (no pun intended!)

I told the tarot reader I met that like any other  worker, tarot readers deserve money for our work. Our work is valuable and requires that we maintain a good balance physically, emotionally, and mentally, in order to serve our clients best. I also not-so-gently informed him that he should not judge others based on his own limiting belief systems, and promptly upped and left.

That said, I do feel it is important to give back by offering free sessions every now and then. 

There are also those practitioners who give us all a bad name. They are the unscrupulous ones who take advantage of clients’ vulnerability and request exorbitant sums of money for their services. I learned this the hard way when I referred a friend to a psychic whom I trusted, only to realise that she had taken advantage of his poor emotional state and taken close to 60,000 USD from him, ensuring him she would help him get his lover back. Of course, none of her promises came true, and I cut off contact with her when I learned what she had done.

On the flip side, as a psychic intuitive in Singapore, one of the more common questions I am asked by my clients, is “ How do I attract more money? Will I be successful?”

In fact, this is a question I have often asked of myself and my Akashic Masters, especially since making the transition to working as a full-time psychic intuitive and energy healer. Financial abundance is an important aspect of our lives, and we should be open to all its forms, beyond the type of car we drive, or our bank balance.

So I’ve been running the ‘Abundance’ Akashic Light Clearing and Activation (one of the 40 that students are attuned to during my course on the Akashic Records) and the Universe has shown me different forms of abundance it blesses me with.Through surprising connections with friends and acquaintances, I managed this week to get discounts a couple of restaurants, and to an amusement park. I paid less than half of what  I should have!

This might seem insignificant, but from this I have learned that we should not limit ourselves to one definition of financial abundance!

In fact, abundance itself comes in many forms- supportive relationships around us, and good health being the first examples that come to mind. We are blessed in many ways, and it is so important to recognise this before we work with the Universe to get more!

Connecting with the self through the Akashic Records

For most, the term ‘Akashic Records’ conjures up images of magick and mystery. They are most often understood as a realm through which one has access to past lives. These were the pre conceived notions I had myself, when I signed up for my first course of the Akashic Light Healing system. But, I learned very quickly that the Akashic Records were so much more than that, and that possibilities felt infinite with their energies.

I was attuned to use a sacred prayer to access the Akashic Records in 2014. The energies of the  Akasha and the Akashic Masters, with whom we work within the Akashic Records, were the source of so much healing.

Letting go, learning to trust and releasing fear

Working within the Akashic Records demands a good level of introspection and for us to analyse our strengths and fears, likes and dislikes. We are encouraged to ask ourselves why we are they way.  Initially, it seemed like I was going down a rabbit hole of questions. But the questioning yielded a deeper understanding of myself, the impact my past lives have had on my current, and the karma I am working through.

This process allowed me to understand how fear underpinned so many of my behaviours-hanging on to a job that was not nourishing only my bank account but not me, because I feared financial insecurity, being one example. I had a decent, stable income, why would I give that all up? I reasoned that worries about supporting oneself in Singapore- one of the most expensive cities in the world- are entirely founded. I constantly repeated to myself that entrepreneurship was reserved for those who had a financial safety net in the form of wealthy parents or a spouse. I had read a study about that and its conclusion was serving as an excuse for me not to finally free myself of the job that was bogging me down in so many ways. Indeed I had created a belief in myself that I did not have the support needed to make it as a self-employed person.

 My worries had developed into fears that were holding me back from walking on my path as a healer.  But spirituality was always a part of my life, and I had always dreamed of earning a living as an intuitive and energy healer. It was the only path that made sense to me.

With the Akashic Records and consistent work on releasing fears, many of which were ultimately linked to childhood financial instability in my family, I was able to finally make the transition to full time intuitive and energy healing work. Working on myself through this system allowed me to see possibilities and opportunities, instead of just limitations. The Akashic Masters remained a constant and loving presence, encouraging me on my path. I moved at my own pace. I did not feel the sense of urgency I felt before, that if I didn’t make something of myself before a certain age, that I would have failed at life. I knew, that everything would be fine, and that I could thrive as an intuitive and energy healer. 

 Admittedly, some days are more challenging than others. But the tools I have picked up with the Akashic Light Healing System have allowed me to remain more positive than I ever used to be. My relationship with the Akashic Masters grows and evolves, but remains constant. I hope to share this incredible form of healing with others, in Singapore and beyond.