Stepping onto my path as a psychic intuitive and energy healer

One of the most common questions I am asked of my profession is “ How did you get into this work?”

Yes, I suppose it might seem like an unconventional job in most countries, but more so in Singapore, where our national identity is so defined by cookie cutter jobs, homes, and lives. Why did I choose to be a psychic intuitive and energy healer in Singapore? How did I get into this work?

It’s a question I ask myself as well, believe it or not. So I’ve thought about it over the years, thinking back to my childhood and earliest indications of my psychic inclinations.

Part of the answer to that question is that I’ve always had psychic abilities, in one form or the other. Until I was a teenager, they manifested in more subtle forms. Hearing voices, for example. I had also always been drawn to esoterica and metaphysics. Things intensified during my adolescence, and it was only after my university studies that I began to understand the breadth of what I could feel, sense and do as an energy worker. Through a series of courses, I developed my abilities, began to understand my connection with the divine, and worked on myself and my fears and beliefs. Over a period of years, I had a series of what one would call ‘paranormal’ or ‘spiritual’ experiences, ranging from out-of-body experiences, semi trances during temple ceremonies, visions of past lives, healing miracles (got rid of my gallstones through energy healing!)...all while being told by teachers and mentors that I had potential and was gifted. I had a tough time accepting any of this, and did a lot of work on myself in order to not be ashamed or afraid of this part of my identity. (It’s still a work in progress!)

But, there is a second part to this answer, and that is my *choice* to step onto this path. There are many psychics and healers out there who don’t practise professionally. Just as there are many talented musicians, gifted artists,animal communicators who earn their living in more conventional office settings. I could, like many other people, have chosen to take a more conventional route.

Part of me believes that whatever profession I may have chosen - teaching, lawyering, being a restauranteur or a vet- that my life would have eventually led me back to being a healer. That perhaps, all those other professions I might have chosen were just detours that led me back to the same path. And yet, I do know at the same time, that all of this was my own choice, and that I could have chosen to draw the curtain at any point. 

To put it simply, this is the only path that makes any sense to me. I’m really not sure how else to express it. It comes from a much deeper place within me that knows . I know I have been practising different forms of spirituality and healing in past lives. This is not a path that is new to me in any way. I just know this is my path. 

So I planned, and I saved, and I psyched myself up for a good 3-4 years while working a conventional job. I credit self-healing in the Akashic Records for my being able to finally trust the Universe enough to make that leap.

And now that I’ve consciously stepped onto this path, things are opening up. Recently, I got some media coverage from Today Online as a member of the tarot community in Singapore. I also will be starting my first class on the Akashic Records next month, and have met my mental target for my minimum number of students. 

I’ve also had a few dreams of connecting with beings I know I have worked with in previous lifetimes, merging with divinities….all intriguing stuff!

It’s like I’ve just stepped onto a train that is slowly picking up speed, whether I like it or not. Deep down inside, I know I asked for this though and wanted it to happen.

All I can do now, is enjoy the ride, and do my best to make my path a financially sustainable one. Even if that means taking on a part time role in a more conventional work setting until I can be a full time psychic intuitive and energy healer in Singapore. I still have the occasional doubts, worries and fear crop up. But I’m able to deal with those feelings more effectively and I don’t linger in them for as long as I used to.

I am grateful for the support of all my friends, clients, and mentors.
As well as of course, the Universe, which continues to amaze me in all the forms of abundance it has shown me recently. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you! ( and keep it coming hehe)